Music notes

Directions: You and your family will try and find the following items around your house. You may definitely work together with your siblings, in fact, it is encouraged. Try to be as creative as possible, and HAVE FUN!
Find something that...

1.  Makes a LOUD sound.

2.  Makes a QUIET sound.

3.  Makes a HIGH sound.

4.  Makes a LOW sound.

5.  Makes a SHORT sound.

6.  Makes a LONG sound.

7.  Moves FAST.

8.  Moves SLOW.

9.  You can SHAKE to make a sound.

10.  You can SCRAPE or RUB to make a sound.

11.  You can tap that is made of METAL.

12.  You can tap that is made of WOOD. 

Show us what you create with photos and videos!