Serena Hills, you are amazing! With 93% attendance we end the week on a high note! Use the long weekend to relax and recharge. We will see you on Tuesday, February 11.
about 1 hour ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Attendance graphic
Catch up on all of your Serena Hills School news!
4 days ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Serena Scoop Thank you, CBS 2, for sharing our heartwarming story!
about 2 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
We caught up with our 3,4,5 grade Math Elevate students. They were hard at work leveling up their math skills.
2 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
The STARS are working toward a sweet treat reward by achieving perfect attendance in December! 🍭 🍫 🍬
2 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Serena Hills students love to read. 📚 Students can help themselves to a "new to you" book to enjoy!
2 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Catch up on your Serena Hills School news!
2 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Serena Hills
The Serena Hills Stars ended last week with a 94% attendance rating. We are including a link to this week's Serena Scoop to help keep you informed and organized for the week ahead.
3 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Serena Scoop
On Saturday, November 16, 2024, weather permitting, Flossmoor School District 161 will be applying an herbicide and a fertilizer to the district’s fields / grass areas at Normandy Villa, Serena Hills, Western Avenue, Heather Hill, Flossmoor Hills, and Parker Junior High. The products that will be used for this application are The Andersons Turf Products Fertilizer with Barricade Herbicide and Trimec 992 Broadleaf Herbicide. These products comprise a selective broadleaf herbicide and a lawn fertilizer that will be used to control weeds / dandelions in these areas and will also fertilize all district lawns. If you have any questions, please contact Scott Stachacz, Director of Buildings and Grounds, at (708) 647-7005.
3 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Get your Serena Hills Scoop by clicking the link below.
3 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Serena Scoop
Congratulations, Serena Hills Stars! You finished the week with a 97% attendance rating! Enjoy the weekend and we will see you next week!
3 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Serena Scoop
Check out all of your Serena Hills School info here!
3 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
The Serena Hills Stars had a 95% attendance rate last week. We are aiming even higher this week! Read your school news by clicking the link to keep you informed of school events and activities.
4 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Serena hills students
The Serena Hills Stars check in with a 95% attendance rating for this week! We will see you back in class on Tuesday, October 15.
4 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Atendance matters
Reminder to D161 families: There will be no school on October 11 in observance of Yom Kippur and no school on October 14. We will see you in class on Tuesday, October 15.
4 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
No School
These STARS want you to know that last week Serena Hills Elementary School had a 94% attendance for the week! We are trying to increase that number this week.
4 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Serena hills students
Get ready for Rock Your Schools Week! Beginning Monday, September 23!
5 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
rock your schools
This week, Serena Hills checked in with a 96% attendance rating! Can the STARS aim even higher next week? We know we can! Great work, STARS!
5 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
Attendance graphic
Last week, the Serena Hills Stars had a 97% attendance rate. Keep up the excellent work, STARS! Don't forget to keep up on all your essential school news by checking the weekly newsletter.
5 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
On Saturday and Sunday, September 7th and 8th 2024, weather permitting, Flossmoor School District 161 will be applying an herbicide and a fertilizer to the district’s fields / grass areas at Serena Hills, Western Avenue, Heather Hill, Flossmoor Hills, and Parker Junior High. The products that will be used for this application are The Andersons Turf Products Fertilizer with Barricade Herbicide and Trimec 992 Broadleaf Herbicide. These products comprise a selective broadleaf herbicide and a lawn fertilizer that will be used to control weeds / dandelions in these areas and will also fertilize all district lawns. If you have any questions, please contact Scott Stachacz, Director of Buildings and Grounds, at (708) 647-7005.
5 months ago, Flossmoor School District 161
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