Welcome to Flossmoor School District 161! The Department of Learning and Instruction is dedicated to ensuring our students are provided the highest level of education through rigorous curriculum and challenging academic standards. Education is an ever changing, ever evolving topic and our team is always ahead of the curve to bring the best to the students in District 161! Below you will find information about District 161's curriculum, programming, and additional resources for parents.

Amabel Crawford
Director of Learning and Instruction

Karen French
Confidential Associate

Christina Bollenbacher
Curriculum Coordinator
How To Keep Your Child Safe Online
Curriculum Information

Standards-Based Grading and Report Cards
Flossmoor School District 161 believes grades should be consistent, specific, accurate, and timely. Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, core subjects in grades K-8 will be reported using standards-based report cards.